West Berkshire NewsWest Berkshire Council: Garden and Food Waste Temporarily Suspended


West Berkshire Council has taken the difficult decision to temporarily suspend the green bin garden and food waste collection service for two weeks from today (Tuesday 20 July 2021).

The decision has been taken due to staff shortages caused by a number of our waste truck drivers and operatives having been advised to self-isolate by the track and trace system, and the impacts of current nationwide HGV driver shortage. Suspending the garden waste collection service will free up more crews to cover the core household waste collection service.

Our collection crews have been working hard to maintain waste services throughout the pandemic and we have worked closely with our contractor to ensure all other options have been exhausted before suspending this service for a short period.  The limited number of staff still able to work are doing their best to keep these essential services going, but as you can imagine that has been made more difficult with the very hot weather we’ve been experiencing.

We apologise for the inconvenience to residents, and are grateful for their patience as we work to manage this disruption to the service.

By suspending the garden waste service, we can ensure that your rubbish (black bin) and recycling (green boxes and bag) continue to be collected as scheduled.

Further information about the suspension of the garden waste collection service will be published as soon as possible. Our website and social media channels will be kept up to date.


Parish Council

P.O Box 7381,

0118 983 1748