West Berkshire NewsWest Berks Food Bank – It’s not just all about food!


West Berks Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust, the backbone of the Foodbank network in the UK.

With 23 years of experience and over 1,200 Foodbank Centres, it does fully understand exactly how to run a Foodbank.  The Trussell Trust gave out 1.9 Million food parcels in 2019 – 2020.  This year to date West Berks Foodbank’s food output is over 2.8 times greater than it was over the same period last year, principally due to Covid 19.

Feeding in excess of 100 people per day from our central warehouse in Newbury. We deliver throughout West Berkshire Monday to Friday.  Discreetly and confidentially delivering parcels to your door, packed with the client in mind, including essential items – sanitary wear, washing powder, toiletries, cleaning products, nappies and baby food.

Trussell Trust know by experience and over 20 years of historical data, that there are three essential objectives to be satisfied to obtain the best outcomes for clients that visit their foodbanks – “Relieving Hunger; Reviving Hope, and Restoring Dignity”.

Relieving Hunger is relatively easy and straightforward due to the generosity of our community, churches and schools. Relieving Hunger in its self does not solve the core problems our client faces.

Reviving Hope, and Restoring Dignity can take much more time, and good listening skills – to identify and help prioritise the issues our client is facing; and work out an action plan to completely resolve their issues; and help the client through the many difficulties, that usually arise, until their issues are resolved.

West Berks Foodbank has strong and proven relationships with many different partners and agencies. Working together with our clients so that they can get support with some of the core issues that have helped to cause their financial crisis. Debt management; benefit information; family support; domestic abuse; addiction support; mental health advice; social housing tenancy support.

West Berks Foodbank has a high success rate in resolving client food need and empowering them to address their longer-term problems and building resilience for their future.

So if you need support with food  – Please call the Foodbank on 01635 760560

If you would like more information on what we do or how you can support us please email [email protected]

Or visit https://westberks.foodbank.org.uk/

Fran Chamings
West Berks Foodbank Project Manager
Mobile 07836500610




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