UncategorisedMaking a Referral to Eight Bells Community Strength.

What is Eight Bells Community Strength?
We aim to prevent and reduce social isolation throughout West Berkshire.  We will encourage people of all ages to look after themselves, live independently and have a good quality of life. And we will support individual’s mental health and wellbeing. We also want to help communities to develop their own strength and resilience so that they can thrive.

Who will we help?
Through a referral process, we will support people aged 18 and above who:

  • are at risk of loneliness and isolation,
  • have a long term medical condition,
  • experiencing mental ill health,
  • have a physical or learning disability.

We will help to build confidence to make choices to support individuals to do more things for themselves, undertake activities that will help improve mobility and mental well being whilst also connecting them to the people and  community around them.

How do you make a referral?
An organisation, charity, or someone you know can refer you to our service by completing the online referral form or you can complete the form yourself.

This is the link to the referral form http://eightbellsnewbury.co.uk/cs

It is best to give you as much information as possible on the referral form so we can match the right community navigator with the person being referred.  We will make contact with the person making the referral in 5 working days of receiving the referral.  Unfortunately,  we are unable to offer benefit form filling as part of this service.

How will we do this?
We will use Community Navigators to encourage people to recognise and develop their own strengths and stay safe and well in their own homes.  We will identify the person’s interests and passions and support them to use this to make local connections.  We will encourage people to be more active and to connect with people and groups near to where they live to build a support network around them.


Parish Council

P.O Box 7381,

0118 983 1748