Council informationDisclosable Pecuniary Interests

Councillors must abide by rules that apply to the disclosure of some business or financial interests. These are called “disclosable pecuniary interests” or “DPI’s”. DPI’s include your employment, ownership of land, and business interests in your parish. Other interests are usually non-pecuniary or personal interests.

Councillors must disclose to their local authorities monitoring officer any DPI’s and any other disclosable interests that are referred to in the council’s code of conduct within 28 days of becoming a member of the council. Copies of members register of interests are available for viewing on the West Berkshire Councils website.

A council can decide whether a councillor with a DPI can participate and vote on a council motion. This is called granting a dispensation.

Parish Council

P.O Box 7381,

0118 983 1748