Parish InformationParish Data

There are 5,923 people living in Burghfield 21.8% of these are children aged 0 to 15 and 16.6% are older people aged 65 and over. The non-white British population accounts for 7.07% of the total population. 93% of the Burghfield population were born in the UK. This is more than the average of West Berkshire.
61.5% of children living in West Berkshire achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 76.4% of children living in Burghfield achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 67.4% of children living in West Berkshire achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2. 70.7% of children living in Burghfield achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2. The average life expectancy at birth for males living in Burghfield is 81.1 years. The average life expectancy at birth for females in Burghfield is 82.6 years. Death rates from all causes in people aged less than 75 are lower than expected. Emergency hospital admissions for all causes are lower than expected*.
Out of the 30 wards in West Berkshire, Burghfield is the eighth least deprived ward. 9.7% of children in Burghfield are at risk of living in poverty, compared with 10% across West Berkshire.
There were 283 crimes recorded in Burghfield during 2013/14. This equates to 47.6 crimes per 1,000 people living in Burghfield, a rate that is higher than the average across West Berkshire.
An estimated 21.3% of adults in Burghfield are obese. An estimated 19.3% of adults in Burghfield binge drink. An estimated 32.4% of adults in Burghfield eat healthily. There are a total of 2341 dwellings in Burghfield. The most common housing type in Burghfield is detached. This accounts for 50.9% of all housing. The average household size in Burghfield is 2.6 people and 2% of housing in Burghfield is classifed as needing one or more bedrooms more than it has in order to be adequately sized for the number of people living there.
In Burghfield, according to the urban/rural classification from ONS in 2012, 62% of the population live in areas classified as rural town and fringe, 38% of the population live in areas classified as rural village and dispersed.

Parish Council

P.O Box 7381,

0118 983 1748