Community Hub

What is a community Hub?

A Community hub brings together a range of services, provided by a diverse range of organisations
into one central community building. From leisure to advice, support and learning, a community hub
is there to provide the local area with quality provision in modern and welcoming spaces.

Community Hubs can only thrive where the local community see the value of the building and
engage fully in the development of it.
Burghfield Parish Council is proposing to extend the Pavilion on the Common Recreation Ground to
develop its role as a “Community Hub”. By making more use of this facility in the heart of the
community, the council believes the changes would increase use of the library and provide space
from which activities, advice and services could be offered.
The potential following changes are being proposed:

  • A sizeable extension to the side and within the roof space of the Pavilion to create an
  • An improved entrance area to enable separate access for football
  • Opportunities for an improved, more relaxed library space with Wi-Fi facilities
  • Community café with extended opening hours and outdoor space
  • A new meeting space for local businesses, advice provision or health clinics
  • A hireable space for the community
  • Better use of the existing facility with improved, vibrant neighbourhood facilities
  • Increased community involvement

What happens next?

Illustrative plans have been developed and displayed locally to encourage further feedback from the
All feedback from the consultations has been analysed and reported back to the Community
Committee. The parish council are working alongside their appointed architects to finalise the design
ideas and specifications prior to applying for planning permission from the local authority.

Parish Council

P.O Box 7381,

0118 983 1748